Jimmy Rowe’s Rants

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Thank God It’s Over

I am sooo happy the school trimester is over. This week was rough, with a final exam and a research paper to do, but it is done and so am I.

I am taking a week off work between the holidays and since school doesn’t start till January, it is going to be quite relaxing (and quiet too since the wifey is working ;-0)

We are also getting ready to buy an elliptical machine to complete our new workout room in our home.  This is especially exciting to me since I have been getting up at 5:30 in the cold weather 3-4 days a week to jaunt across town to the gym. We already own a bowflex, and weight bench, and a recumbent bike.

December 14, 2007 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , | 1 Comment