Jimmy Rowe’s Rants

Just another WordPress.com weblog

I promise to blog more!

Hello all,

I have really gotten lazy on this and just don’t post to it anymore so here goes.

I am just about to finish another semester of school. Still doing very well in school, just feel like I will never finish. Looking forward to having an 11 day vacation with no work or school. Just me, my computers, and my cats.

My weight loss is still going pretty good. I am still around 368 pounds, which is still a LONG way from where I was this time last year. I am still working out regularly, working toward that 2 mile a day goal I have.

Catherine and I are buying an eliptical machine and along with our bike and bowflex have decided to turn one of our bedrooms into a workout area. We have other stuff too, but those are the large pieces of equipment.

I have recently discovered facebook, and am ADDICTED!!! If anyone out there does facebook and I haven’t contacted them, look me up!

I am also really just getting more familiar with this whole web 2.0 technology and am embracing it as those who are much younger than I have done. If you have any suggestions for sites I may visit, please feel free to post comments with the sites here.

Thanks everyone, and I will post some new pics soon!


My original blog:

December 5, 2007 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , | 2 Comments